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If you were born or you are living on the territory of Ingria whether you have Ingrian ancestry - Izhorians, Vodians (Vodes), Ingrian Finns (Savakot or Evrimeiset), Vepsians, Karelians - then you and your relatives have the opportunity to voluntarily register on this site and informatively preserve your identity in the Ingrian population registry.


in Swedish: Ingermanland;
in Finnish: Inkeri, Inkerinmaa;
in Estonian: Ingeri, Ingerimaa;
in Old Russian: Izhora, Izhora land.

The first written mention of this land dates back to the end of the 11th century. The first mention of the ancient people of INGERMANLAND Vodi refers to 1069. The people of Izhora were first described in 1228. The name INGERMANLANDIA comes from the Swedish name for the lands where indigenous peoples have lived since the time of ancient Izhora, the area of which was approximately 15 thousand square kilometers.

The eastern part of Ingermanland to the Oredezh River in the 12th-18th centuries was called the Izhora land (under the Izhora land at that time the whole Ingermanland could also be understood), the western part from Oredezh to the Narva River was called the Votskaya land.

In 1706, these lands became part of the vast Ingermanland province, which in 1711 was transformed into the St. Petersburg province.

In 1803-1926, the territory of Ingria was part of 5 districts of St. Petersburg (in 1914-1924 - Petrograd, in 1924-1927 - Leningrad) province: Petersburg (Petrograd), Peterhof, Tsarskoselsky (Detskoselsky), Shlisselburgsky and Yamburgsky.

In 1927, the Leningrad province was transformed into the Leningrad region. It should be noted that the boundaries of the listed territorial entities did not always coincide with each other and changed significantly over time.

Currently, St. Petersburg and the following districts of the Leningrad Region are located on the territory of Ingria: Volosovsky, Vsevolozhsky, Gatchinsky, Kingiseppsky, Lomonosovsky, Tosnensky, as well as the western part of the Kirovsky District up to the Lava River


Ingrian identification card

As a symbol of your small nationality, our register, if you wish, can issue for you an IngID - an Ingrian identification card, confirming registration on this site.

* Ordering an ID card will be available after registration.



Registered users: 66

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